Thursday, May 14, 2015

WORLD SILLYweek: How to do it Yourself!

As said here before, WORLD SILLYweek is a festive time dedicated to the sanctioning of social transgression, (benign social transgression), the relief of social tensions, unorganised foolishness, communal clowning about and, most importantly, a little bit of serious 'pisstaking'. Importantly it is a DIYfestival!

The week was and is envisaged as being a relatively unstructured 'midyear festival' that:
  • Runs over 11 days starting at 11: 11am on the Friday preceding the weekend before the Midyear Solstice (Winter – southern hemisphere, Summer – northern hemisphere) and finishing at 11: 11pm on the Sunday that follows the solstice;
  • Allows people to make fun of institutions, organisations, leaders, elders, and important people who are accustomed not only to telling other people what to do, but also, to telling them how to do it – and when;
  • Includes a lively mixture of social, cultural and sporting events with a silly twist in their tail and conceived as community and neighbourhood events – family activities too – that are observed with an attitude of 'silliness' and an air of irreverence;
  • Allows, communities, community groups and individuals working alone, to operate within local communities and take the initiative to celebrate WORLD SILLYweek in various ways – Silly Parties, Silly Balls, Silly Dancing, Silly Concerts, Silly Parades, Silly Tournaments, Silly Games, Exhibitions of Silliness, Silly Lectures, Silly Walking, Silly activities no matter what form it may take; and
  • Is understood, and imagined, as a time of sanctioned subversion, a time when the inversion of hierarchies is tolerated and a time given over to parody and satire.
In 2015, WORLD SILLYweek will be celebrated between June 15 & June 25. The action group is dedicating its time to creating opportunities and marketing the ideas liked to WORLD SILLYweek rather than organising specific events. Even so, members of the group are individually working outside the group on various projects and events at various levels.

REMEMBER: Santioned SILLYevents are generally devised to raise money for a REGISTERED Charity

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