Sunday, May 26, 2024

CALL OUT FOR 2024 #1

Given the Councils clear disinclination to be proactive regarding assisting in the provision
of more housing that enables people suffering HOUSINGstress to cope more adequately
with their individual circumstances short and long term. There is a need and there are
opportunities for Local Governance to be innovative and proactive in this space.
Thus far Council has been countenancing TALKfests designed and devised to establish
that there is nothing that Council can do etc. etc. etc. While on the other hand Local Govt.
elsewhere that have taken the lead and changed their management style away from
disallowing innovative approaches towards findings ways to speed up change etc.
Attempt to canvass some of these with planners and you will find yourself being lectured
on this regulation, that by-law etc. and being lent a DEAFear.

Since the longest night of the year, and as likely as not it will be one of the coldest, is
almost upon us there is a need for Council to overtly demonstrate the care that is so often
says it has for the VISIBLYhomeless. Without doubt, the community would welcome some
leadership in this space.

With Council printing a brochure for the VISIBLYhomeless advising them to go-see one of
the city’s charities has floated like a LEADballoon … and sadly so! Given this there is
scope for Council, Councillors, and management to provide some leadership in this space
there is a real need that it does. What is actually needed is more housing and there are
ways to do that if we look for them.

Will Council NOW show leadership by sponsoring a ROUGHsleep on Town Hall’s steps
that is directed towards gaining community sponsorships for the city’s ROUGHsleeps and
with the ‘sponsorship money raised’ going toward acquiring/buying(?) appropriate
accommodation to assist with the alleviation of Launcestonians HOUSINGstress and
homelessness, and with the FIRSTevent being the SHORTEST DAY AND LONGEST
NIGHT 2024?

City of Launceston Council Meeting Agenda Thursday 30 May 2024 Page 17

The City of Launceston's commitment to addressing the issue of homelessness for our
community is focussed on
• Changing the narrative.
• Engaging the community.
• Facilitation of cohesive services.
• Striving towards prevention.
• Engaging in data informed decision making.
• Advocacy
• Ensuring transparency and accountability.
Council does not consider provision of accommodation a service that is appropriately
provided by the local government sector.

FIRSTLY, for this response the AUTHOR: Lorraine Wyatt (Council and Committees Officer) & Authorised by ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: Shane Eberhardt and it totally misses the point of the question not to mention that management is responding on behalf of the ELECTED 12. HOW DOES THAT WORK!?

Basically, management is saying that the COUNCILLORS endorse its predisposition to TALK-A-LOT and deliver meaningless rhetoric while they (management sit quite commfortably on their collective hands) maintain that HOMELESSNESS is not inn anyway their gig. Perhaps 'management' could have a crack at explaining that to the distressed and distraught poeple suffering HOUSINGstress!!


Well on the shortest day and the LONGEST  Launcestonians might well:

  • Sponsor a Councillor OR Council Officer to SLEEPrough on Town Hall's steps; and
  • Musicians and others might turn up anf HAVE-A-BIG-JAMMsession on Town Hall's steps with anything that makes music ... sauscepans even; and
  • Collect LOTZ-AND-LOTZ-OF-MONEY from sponsors to buy/lease property for the use of people suffering HOUSINGstress!!

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