IF after 11years of effort to drawing attention to shortfalls in the governance and management of this CULTURALinstitution only to watch its governance fail to deliver due to ineptitude, disinterest or dilettantism the time has come to CALLout the recalcitrance. Tonight, the MOSTsignificant night in worldSILLYweek 2012 social licence is granted to be POLITICALLYtransgressive and CALLout BULLshit for the BULLshit it in fact is.
Its time to CALLout the BULLshit of being patronised for being passionate when you are in fact drawing attention to POLITICALLYtransgression and ineptitude in the sure and certain knowledge that, politically, you can be dismissed as 'passionate' – the great political let off for the maintenance of the status quo. As one grows older, after you retire from the field, this time, the muttering in the backroom, well away from earshot of course, the UNkool name calling begins – GRUMPYoldBUGGER, OLDfart, DELUDEDfool, TROUBLEmaker etc. etc. etc.
So as one watches a CULTURALinstitution, a musingplace, go headlong and obliviously into a future of increasing irrelevance, and achieving it increasingly, it requires a kind of tolerance that must in time be exhausted. Then one realises that during worldSILLYweek 2012 POLITICALLYtransgression and SILLYness is quiteOK as is CALLING IT OUT.
SO, the politicians reading this who have POLITICALLYtransgressed outside worldSILLYweek, patronised their constituency and who thus far have not been named, this SILLYseason runs until 11.11am MONDAY JUNE 28.